Access the Alpha Test VAI System(Green Screen/S2K Test)

Before following these instructions, please ensure you have access to the VAI test system. 1. Open "P:\PCSetup\Tools\Configure-Profile.exe" 2. FOR GREEN SCREEN: Select "Add Vai Test (OLD) Shortcut on Desktop" button (highlighted in red.) FOR S2K/VAI WEB: Select "Add VAI Web (Test) Shortcut on Desktop) button. 3. Launch VAI (alphatst) or S2kWebTEST from the shortcut placed on the desktop.

Add VAI Web Shortcut to Desktop

Go to P:\PCSetup\Tools and open Configure-Profile program. Select "Add VAI Web Shortcut on Desktop" button. You can now launch it from your desktop.

Add VAI Web (Test) Shortcut to Desktop

Go to P:\PCSetup\Tools and open Configure-Profile program. Select "Add VAI Web (Test) Shortcut on Desktop" button. You can now launch it from your desktop.

Add VAI Shortcut to Desktop

If VAI is already installed, follow steps below to place a shortcut on your desktop to access VAI. 1. Open "P:\PCSetup\Tools\Configure-Profile.exe" 2. Select "Add VAI (OLD) Shortcut on Desktop" button. 3. Launch VAI from the shortcut placed on the desktop.

Enable Single Sign-On (SSO) in VAI/S2K

Select the version of VAI you use. #s2k-doc [S2K GUI](#s2k-doc) #access-doc [IBM Access for Windows](#access-doc) #solutions-doc [IBM Client Solutions](#solutions-doc) --------------------------------------------------------------- #access-docS2K GUI If the SSO option is not already enabled. Select the checkbox next to it and then click New Session. Note: It should automatically log you in after you select New Session. If you are prompted for credentials, please contact the helpdesk fo...

S2K Web - Zoom In/Out

Uncheck "Auto zoom option" on the New Session screen Use Ctrl + Plus/Minus key to zoom in and out

VAI: How to Change your VAI/Vanguard App Server Password

NOTE [CLICK HERE]( if you are looking for instructions to change password in the web version of VAI Select Option 24 (Control Menu) > 104 (Change your Password). Then follow instructions in the link below. Changing VAI Passwords: 1) Option 24: Control Menu 2) Option 104: Change your Password No...

VAI: How to Change your VAI/Vanguard App Server Password (Web Version)

NOTE [CLICK HERE]( if you are looking for instructions to change password in the green screen version. Select Control Menu from the main menu and then Change your password. Fill in the fields to change your password and then press the Enter (blue arrow) button.

VAI Logs in with Black Screen

If VAI logs in but only shows a black screen, make sure you're set to "Autoconnect." 1) Click on "Communcation" 2) Make sure "Autoconnect" is checked 3) Click on "Connect"

VAI Opens but Doesnt Show Screen

This is a common Windows issue when multiple monitors are connected. - Hover over the VAI icon in the task bar (1) - The VAI window(s) will show up above it (2) - Right click the window that is not showing up on your monitor and click Maximize (3). - This will bring that screen on one of your monitors. Any further instances of VAI you open again should show up fine.