Before attempting either option, please make sure Mitel and Outlook are closed:
In the bottom right corner of one of your monitors, you should see an up arrow next to the wifi, sound, and battery settings. Click this to open the system tray menu. Then, right click on the Mitel icon shown below, and hit "Exit."
Then, right click on the Outlook symbol on your taskbar and click "Close all windows."
OPTION 1: Automatic Fix
Go to P: > PCSetup > Tools. Open Reset-Mitel.exe program. Follow instructions on screen.
OPTION 2: Manual Fix
1. Press Win + R or right click the Start Menu and select Run
2. In the Run prompt, type “%LocalAppData%” (without the quotes) and click OK
3. Locate the Mitel folder and delete it!
Note: If you get a 'Folder In Use' error then make sure you've properly closed Outlook and the ShoreTel app.
4. Open the Mitel app
5. Check the "Remember me" box and click "Show advanced".
6. Check "Use Windows Credentials" and ensure server is "" (without the quotes). Click Login.
7. Click Log In button