Admin specific tools can be found here along with access to the general site-wide settings.
The Top bar black buttons:
- Home
- Returns you to the front page.
- Calendar
- A powerful calendar tool that allows viewing and manipulating events.
- Settings
- Sitewide settings for Beyond Skyprep
- Org Chart
- View organizational relationships in a handy chart
The four main tools can be accessed from the large buttons below.
- Create User
- New ILT
- Approve ILTs
- Block Dates
Create User
you can create new users by entering in a users details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company
- Department or Supervisor
- Day Shift or Swing Shift
- Start Date
- Onboarding Date
The "Rehire" checkbox enables a drop-down list of users that exist, but are not currently active. You can then choose from this list instead of entering a name.
If the "Enroll in Onboarding" checkbox is checked, then the user will be enrolled in an onboarding class for the chosen date.
Create ILT Timeslot[edit | edit source]
This menu is where you can create ILTs first by selecting a course and then filling in the following fields:
- Description
- The description shown when the ILT is selected on the calendar.
- Location
- Physical location of training. Online is also an option.
- The drop-down list contains prepopulated locations.
- Instructor
- Who will be leading the training.
- Capacity
- Maximum number of students that can attend or sign up
- Date
- Start time
- End time
Create Multiple ILTs
This check box enables a menu that allows the Admin to choose two dates at which and between a series of the ILT will be created. The drop-down menu allows you to choose some predefined filters for the days they would like these ILT scheduled on.
The simplest filters are specific days such as a day of the week like Monday. If you were to set the date range to 01-01-2020 and 01-31-2020, This ILT would be created on Every Monday in during the month of January 2020.
The other options, "Workdays" and "All Days", exclude certain days like weekends or include every day respectively.
It should be noted this feature does adhere to the blocked dates list which will be covered later in this Document.
ILTS that are created using this menu will show up on the calendar as pending items (in green) and must be saved by clicking the save button at the bottom right of the calendar. See Chapter V for more details.
Approve ILT[edit | edit source]
The Approve ILT menu lists any Onboarding ILTs that are pending creation. When a new user is created and there is no onboarding class for the date chosen, the system schedules an ILT to be created for that users onboarding date.
The class to be is created when either the Admin approves the ILT using this menu or automatically on the preceding Friday at 3pm.
Block Dates[edit | edit source]
This menu allows Admins to block dates where ILTs cannot be created either by you or the automated system. Blocking a date is a simple as clicking the date. you would click a date to unblock it.